Олексій Сергєєв , начальник департаменту організаційно-аналітичного забезпечення та оперативного реагування НПУ, Медіацентр Україна-Укрінформ, 4 вересня
August 4, 2022, 18:22
“Artillery Attack on Toretsk: According to Preliminary Data, Eight People Were Killed and Four Wounded,” National Police
Oleksii Serhieiev, Head of the Organizational and Analytical Support, and Operational Response Department of the National Police of Ukraine, made this statement at Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform.
“Yesterday alone, the National Police recorded artillery attacks against 34 settlements, with 6 civilians killed and 38 wounded. Several hours ago, according to the preliminary data, the artillery attack on Toretsk killed 8 people, including 7 civilians and 1 police officer, and wounded 4 civilians, including a child,” he said.
The National Police has opened over 26,000 criminal proceedings based on facts of russians’ war crimes.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news