
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
July 24
11:30KYIV– Andrii Demchenko, Spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (in person) Travel rules for Ukrainian citizens updated since July 17: What’s changed?

Topics of focus:
– Changes in travel regulations for different citizen categories from July 17;
– Trends in travel refusals;
– Shifts in entry and exit dynamics from Ukraine;
– Current status at checkpoints and borders with russia and belarus. 

For reference:
On July 16, a two-month period ended during which Ukrainian citizens were required by law to register for military service or update their military records. As of July 17, new rules mandate the verification of military registration documents for those crossing the border.

1:00 PMKYIVOlesia Aulina, Head of “United by the Sea” NGO, wife of the missing Damir Aulin, commander of the patrol boat “Sloviansk”;

Tetiana Sherishorina, mother of the missing Nikita Sherishorin, sailor of the patrol boat “Sloviansk”;

Olena Bieliachkova, Coordinator for Groups of Families of Prisoners of War at Media Initiative for Human Rights;

Andrii Ursol, Captain (First Rank), Deputy Commander of the Ukrainian Navy for Moral and Psychological Support, Department Head. 

All in person. 
Press conference: “Missing 16 Sailors: The Fate of the Crews from the Sunken ‘Sloviansk’ and ‘Stanislav’ Boats”

Why is this interesting?
In spring 2022, two Ukrainian military boats, the Sloviansk and Stanislav, were sunk in the Black Sea following missile attacks by russian forces. The Sloviansk went down on March 3, 2022, near the Kinburn and Tendra spits, 2 km from shore, marking the first combat loss of the Ukrainian Navy during russia’s full-scale invasion. The Stanislav sank on May 7, 2022, 20 meters from Snake Island, lying at a depth of about 20 meters. While some sailors from these vessels were rescued, the fate of 16 remains unknown. For two years, the NGO United by the Sea, founded by the families of the missing sailors, has been gathering information about the incidents. However, there is still no news about the 16 missing sailors. There are unofficial reports suggesting some were taken prisoner by russia, though the ICRC has not confirmed this. At the press conference, representatives from the families of the missing sailors, the Navy, and the Media Initiative for Human Rights will discuss ongoing search efforts, attempts to locate the lost boats, and cooperation with the ICRC and the Maritime Coalition led by the UK and Norway.

Registration form:

For additional media inquiries, please contact:
Stanislav Miroshnychenko Phone: +38 066 402 71 72 
2:30 PMKYIVNadiya Bihun, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine (in person) Briefing: “Energy lending for citizens – new opportunities and usage for Ukrainians”

Topics of focus:
– How the energy lending program will function and its target beneficiaries;
– Banks that have signed the cooperation memorandum;
– Funding sources for the program. 

For reference:
Ukraine has launched financial initiatives to boost consumers’ energy independence, including 0% loans for purchasing energy equipment. Citizens can now access 0% loans to buy generators that produce electricity from alternative sources. Additionally, through the “Affordable Loans 5-7-9” program, condominiums and housing cooperatives can obtain loans up to UAH 5 million for a maximum of 5 years at an annual rate of 7%.