
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
June 20
11:30 AMKYIV Tetiana Katrychenko, Executive Director of the Media Initiative for Human Rights (MIHR);

Milana Kompaniets, mother of Yurii Hulchuk, a POW from the 36th Marine Brigade;

Yuliia Petryk, wife of Mykyta Petryk, a POW, a Major of the 36th Marine Brigade;

Hanna Bei, wife of Pavlo Bei, a POW, a Senior Sailor of the 501st Separate Battalion of the 36th Marine Brigade;

Maryna Holinko, Major of the Medical Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who survived captivity in 2022;

All in person.
Press conference entitled: “Captivity Kills: Why Every Day in Captivity Can be Fatal for POW Marines from the 36th Brigade”

Why this is interesting:
The Rear Admiral Mykhailo Bilynskyi 36th Marine Brigade was one of the units defending Mariupol till the very end. In April-May 2022, about 1,300 servicemen of the unit were captured by the enemy. According to information from their families, the detention of about 800 of them has been confirmed by the International Committee of the Red Cross. The enemy is especially reluctant when it comes to exchanging Mariupol defenders, who are subjected to torture, beatings, hunger and moral humiliation every day. For over two years, the prisoners of war have been held in terrible conditions in pre-trial detention centers and colonies. Relatives of the POWs from the 36th Marine Brigade believe that the prisoners have almost no endurance left to hold on, and their health is in critical condition.

During the press conference, their relatives will tell in detail about everything they managed to learn about the prisoners of war and the conditions of their detention. Defenders’ mothers and wives will talk about steps and actions to attract the attention of the world community and everyone who can influence the exchange of prisoners of war.
1:00 PMKYIVYevhen Mahda, Executive Director of the Institute of World Policy;

Nataliya Plaksiienko-Butyrska, expert on East Asia, Master of International Relations;

Vadym Denysenko, political scientist;

Volodymyr Horbach, Executive Director of Institute for Northern Eurasia Transformation;

All in person.
Discussion entitled: “Global Peace Summit: Conclusions, Results, Solutions for Ukraine’s Recovery”

Topics of focus:
– Expectations and results: the key conclusions of the Global Peace Summit;
– What’s next: how will the situation develop after the Summit?
– Reaction of the russian federation and prospects for its participation in the next Summit;
– The reaction of the East and the Global South, lessons for Ukraine;
– What “homework” should Ukraine work on before the next Summit?

For reference: on June 15-16, the Global Peace Summit initiated by Ukraine was held in Switzerland. More than 100 countries and organizations from around the world took part in it.