
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
December 19
12:00 PMKYIVRoman Horbach, Head of the Personnel Department of the Headquarters of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (in person)Topic of focus:
Mobilization in Ukraine: further plans for its duration and peculiarities
3:00 PMKYIVHalyna Luhova, Head of Kherson City Military Administration (online)
Topic of focus:
The security and humanitarian situation in the region
3:30 PMKYIVOleksandr Starukh, Head of Zaporizhia Oblast Military Administration (online)Topic of focus:
The current situation in the region
4:00 PMKYIVOleksandr Tkachenko, Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine (in person)Topic of focus:
Strengthening of international support for culture and media in Ukraine: results of a visit to France