
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
September 19
11:00 AMODESAPavlo Koval, general director of the Ukrainian agrarian confederation (online); 

Topics of focus:

– The embargo on Ukrainian grain exports has not been extended: what should farmers expect?
– Breakthrough of the sea blockade in Odesa region;
– russia’s activities in the occupied territories;
12:00 PMODESARoman Hryhoryshyn, deputy head of Odesa regional military administration (in person);

Topics of focus:

– Establishment of the regional office for international cooperation. Main goals and tasks;
01:00 PMODESAPavlo Lakiychuk, head of security programs at the center for global studies “Strategy XXI” (online);

Topics of focus:

– Combat capability of the russian Black Sea navy;
– How did the Royal Air Force patrols change the situation in the region?
11:00 AMKYIV– Roman Avramenko, Executive director of Truth Hounds;

– Dmytro Koval, Legal director of Truth Hounds; 

– Oleksandra Romantsova, Executive Director at the Center for Civil Liberties NGO;

All in person.

Presentation of the study “Nuclear prison: how Rosatom turned Europe’s largest nuclear power plant into a torture chamber and how the world can stop it”

Why this is interesting:
The study analyses systematic kidnappings, torture and murders of ZNPP employees, which have been carried out with the assistance of the russian state atomic energy corporation Rosatom since March 2022. Truth Hounds interviewed witnesses and victims, analyzed photo and video materials, studied data from Ukrainian law enforcement agencies. The researchers proved that the actions of the russian occupation forces, which were known to Rosatom, constitute serious violations of international law in the form of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Truth Hounds and the Center for Civil Liberties developed recommendations for the international community to bring the perpetrators to justice and introduce sanctions against Rosatom. 
12:00 PMKYIV– Alina Bondarchuk, Head of the Information Collection and Monitoring Department of the Center for Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine;

– Svitlana Slipchenko, VoxCheck Project Manager;

– Maksym Scherbatyuk, Program Director at the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union;

All in person.
“Ukrainian Crimes Against Humanity (2022-2023)” – russian propaganda book and International Public Tribunal with putin lovers

Topics of focus:
– What is inside the book “Ukrainian Crimes Against Humanity (2022-2023)”and for whom and why was it created?
– What is the danger of this book and who acts as Charges d’affaires in it?
– Why is the International Public Tribunal dangerous and who does it harm?
– What narratives are spread in the book and how do they resonate with the current narratives of the kremlin?
– What are the trends of using narratives in the book and in reality?
– Will russia really be able to use the “testimony” in international courts?
– How is Ukraine progressing with the collection of russian crimes?