
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
July 19
10:30 AMODESA Lim Eunjung, associate professor of the division of international studies at National University of Kongju, vice president for international affairs at National University of Kongju (online);

Topics of focus:

– The visit of the President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Suk Yeol to Ukraine;
– Relations between Ukraine and the Republic of Korea;
– Possible supply of weapons from the Republic of Korea to Ukraine;
11:15 AMODESAPavlo Koval, general director of the Ukrainian agrarian confederation (online);

Topics of focus:

– Termination of the grain agreement – how will it affect Ukrainian farmers?
– Can the Danube ports and “solidarity corridors” replace the ports of Big Odesa?
12:00 PMODESAMaria Grushka, acting director of the healthcare department of the Odesa regional military administration (in person); 

Serhiy Dementiev, deputy general director for biological factors research, Odesa regional Center for disease control and prevention (in person); 

Liudmyla Samoilenko, expert on paediatric immunology (in person);
Topics of focus:

– The progress of the Ministry of Health’s measles vaccination campaign in Odesa region;
10:30 AMKYIV– Artem Lysohor – Head of Luhansk Oblast Military Administration (online)

Luhansk region: what is happening today?

Topics of focus:

– What is the security and humanitarian situation in the region today?
-– Crimes committed by russians in the temporarily occupied territories?
11:00 AMKYIV– Roman Rudak, Deputy Director of the Department for Emergency Prevention at the State Emergency Service of Ukraine;
– Oleksandr Khorunzhyy, Press Officer of the State Emergency Service

All in person.
Fire and mine safety in Ukraine

Topics of focus:

– Emergency level of fire safety in Ukraine – what does it mean?
– Fires in ecosystems, how to prevent them?
– Ensuring fire safety during harvest season;
– Administrative sanctions for violation of fire safety rules;
– How are mine clearing efforts going on in Ukraine and what equipment is used to speed up this process?
– The most mine-contaminated regions – basic advice for citizens;
12:30 PMKYIV– Oleksandr Novikov, Head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP);
– Oleksii Reznikov, Defense Minister of Ukraine;
– Oleksandr Kamyshin, Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine;
– Hlib Kanievskyi, expert on anti-corruption policy;
– Svitlana Musiiaka, Head of Research and Policy at the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission (NAKO);
– Serhii Stepanian, Acting Director of the Department for Prevention and Detection of Corruption of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;
– Dmytro Kalmykov, Head of the Anti-Corruption Policy Department of the NACP;
– Maryna Barynina, Head of the Department for Integrity Policy Formation in the Security and Defense Sector of the NACP;

All in person.
Press conference: “How to implement anti-corruption policy in the defense sector during the war?”

Topics of discussion:

– Ensuring implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Policy measures in the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
– Presentation of the system for monitoring information connected to the implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Policy;
– Presentation of NAKO’s analytical brief “State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025: Success Factors in the Defense Sector.”

Why this is interesting:
The State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 includes 65 measures to be taken in the defense sector. In particular, these are changes in defense procurement, state property management, provision of housing for military personnel, etc. The participants will discuss how to ensure the effective implementation of the specified measures under the conditions of war.

Accreditation for media representatives is open until 5:00 PM on July 18 via the link: