
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
July 18
10:30 AMKYIVOleksandr Kharchenko, Director at the Energy Industry Research Center;

Yurii Boiko, Adviser to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Member of the Ukrenergo Supervisory Board;

Roman Zinchenko, Chairman of the Board of the Greencubator NGO;

Maksym Gardus, Communications Specialist at Razom We Stand;

All in person.
Panel discussion entitled: “Recovery of the energy industry: how are the deficit issues addressed today and will Ukrainians have power this fall and winter?”

Topics of focus:
– The current state of Ukraine’s electrical grid;
– Electricity from the EU: how is it supplied and how much of current needs does it cover?
– Can nuclear energy cover existing deficits?
– Renewable energy: how much of it can be produced today?
– The President promised 1 GW of generation by winter: how realistic is it and how will it affect the situation in the country’s energy system?
– How will the situation in the country’s energy system change by fall?
– Will Ukraine have power in winter?