
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
November 9
9:30 АM KYIV– Olga Stefanishyna, Vice Prime Minister for the European Integration of Ukraine;
– Katarina Mathernova, EU Ambassador to Ukraine
Press conference entitled: “Results of the European Commission’s report on Ukraine’s progress within the Enlargement Package: what’s next?”

Why this is interesting:

In 2023, Ukraine was included into the Enlargement Package for the first time, and Ukraine took part in its preparation as a candidate country.
The Report on Ukraine’s progress within the framework of the Enlargement Package is expected to come out on Wednesday, November 8. This Report is expected to provide a detailed assessment of Ukraine’s implementation of the European Commission’s seven recommendations, which were announced together with the status of a EU candidate country. This is when Ukraine expects to receive the recommendation on starting the accession negotiations. But then the European Council will still need to decide on the start of negotiations. The latter is expected to be made in December this year

Registration form:
11:00 АMKYIV– Yurii Kovalchuk, Head of the Department for Combating Cross-Border Crime of the Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine;

– Valerii Boiko, Deputy Head of the Department – Head of the Passport Department of the Border Control Organization Directorate of the Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine;

– Andrii Demchenko, Spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

All in person.
Press conference entitled: “Peculiarities of border crossing under the martial law, responsibility for committing or organizing illegal border crossing”

Topics of focus:
– Peculiarities of crossing the state border by men aged 18 to 60;
– Illegal schemes of smuggling people across the border;
– Liability for violating rules of crossing the border, organizing illegal smuggling of persons across the border, forging documents, giving and accepting bribes.
14:30 PMKYIV– Rostyslav Karandieiev, acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy (in person);

– Oleh Nalyvaiko, Head of State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine (in person); 

– Petro Kulikov, Head of the Union of Rectors of Ukrainian Institutions of Higher Education, Rector of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (in person);
– Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (in person);

– Embassy of Ukraine in Poland (online);

– Embassy of Ukraine in the Netherlands (online);

– Embassy of Ukraine in France (online).
Moderator: Nataliia Bovtruk, Spokesperson for the charity campaign “Ukrainian books for Ukrainian children”
Press conference entitled: “Results of the largest charity campaign in book publishing industry “Ukrainian books for Ukrainian children”