
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
August 2
11:00 AMODESAAndriy Kosyak, Gennadiy Suldin, founders of the Technari R&D group, developers of the ePPO apps (electronic air defence forces app) (in person);

Topics of focus:

– New features of the air defense app – alert or civilians about missile course;
– First successes of the new functionality;
11:30 AMODESANatalia Humenyuk, head of the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine (in person);

ATTENTION! Added briefing.
Topics of focus:

– Consequences and details of the shelling of Odesa region on August 2;
12:00 PMODESADr. Michael Nwankpa, founding director/director of research at the Center for African conflict and development in London (online);

Topics of focus:

– Results of the russia-Africa Summit;
– How many states have changed their attitude to the russian-Ukrainian war after this event?
– Does the grain agreement have a future, and can African leaders influence russian president vladimir putin?
10:00 AMKYIV– Diana Dutsyk, UMCI research center (in person);
– Roman Horbyk, Södertörn University College, Sweden (online)
Expert discussion: “Effectiveness of countering Russian disinformation in Ukraine in the context of a full-scale war”

Event program:

10:00 AM – Opening remarks, Igor Osyka, ABA Roli;

10:10 AM – Presentation of the results of the Ukrainian Media and Communication Institute research

Topics of focus:
– Effectiveness of countering Russian disinformation in Ukraine;
– Countering Russian disinformation through the Western experience prism
10:40 AMKYIV– Ihor Solovey, Centre for Strategic Communication and Information Security;
– Taras Shevchenko, Ministry of Culture and Information Policy;
– Tetiana Avdeeva, Digital Security Lab Ukraine;
– Vitalii Rybak, National Democratic Institute (NDI)

All in person.
Session 1: Changing tactics to counter disinformation after February 24, 2022. Have all strategies proved successful?

Topics of focus:

– What were the new challenges for the state, CSOs, and media in combating misinformation after the all-out invasion in 2022?
– What are the significant omissions to correct, and how to do it? What audiences/areas are not covered?
– What should the Countering Disinformation Strategy look like, and how to ensure its effective implementation so that it does not remain a document on paper?
11:30 AMKYIV– Oleksandr Burmahin, National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting;
– Dmytro Shvydchenko, National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting;
– Halyna Petrenko, Detector Media;
– Igor Rozkladai, Center for Democracy and Rule of Law (CEDEM);
– Svitlana Yeremenko, Pylyp Orlyk Institute for Democracy;
– Oksana Maydan, Internews Network;
– Akim Galimov, 1+1 Media

All in person.
Session 2. The role of the state, public sector, and media in countering disinformation.

Topics of focus:

– What is the contribution of each stakeholder, and is it sufficient?
– How to effectively distribute roles among all stakeholders working towards countering disinformation?
– What needs to be done to strengthen the synergy of actions of the state, CSOs, and media?
12:20 PMKYIV– Dzvenyslava Shcherba, Internews Ukraine;
– Tamila Tasheva, Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
– Tetyana Stroy, Donetsk Press Club;
– Oleksiy Matsuka, FreeDom;
– Iryna Eihelson, Mediation, and Dialogue Research Center, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy;
– Igor Rozkladai, CEDEM;
– Ruslan Khalapov, Suspilne Crimea TV channel

All in person.
Session 3: Post-war period. From de-occupation of territories to de-occupation of information space.

Topics of focus:

– What are the challenges of the post-war period in terms of countering disinformation?
– Is there a need for a special strategy of “informative de-occupation” for the territories that have been under occupation for a long time?
– What should be the basis for working with people in the de-occupied territories?
2:00 PMKYIV– Mykola Polishchuk, President of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS), Minister of Health of Ukraine (2005);
– Oleksandr Babenko, Head of the Healthcare Department of the Red Cross Society;
– Stanislav Borodin, coordinator of the URCS Mobile Health Units;
– Anton Sak, Chief Specialist of the URCS Mobile Health Units

All in person.
Briefing entitled: “Mobile health units of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society. Digital technologies in primary healthcare”