July 16, 2024, 15:25

About 42,000 people in Unified Register of Missing Persons still unaccounted for

Information on more than 51,000 persons has been entered into the Unified Register of Persons Missing Under Special Circumstances since its inception. As of today, about 42,000 people are still unaccounted for.

Dmytro Bohatiuk, Head of the Department in the Directorate for Persons Missing Under Special Circumstances of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, made this statement during a discussion at Media Center Ukraine.

“In general, since the register (the Unified Register of Persons Missing under Special Circumstances – Ed.) started working, information on more than 51,000 persons considered missing under special circumstances has been entered into it. At the moment, this figure includes persons who are still unaccounted for. These are the persons, whose location and information about whom we do not know. There are about 42,000 of them at the moment,” Dmytro Bohatiuk said.

According to him, about 7,000 people have been accounted for. This number includes about 3,000 persons whose location has already been established, the vast majority of them are released prisoners of war. About 4,000 constitute bodies that have been identified. According to Dmytro Bohatiuk, the vast majority of the bodies are Ukrainian defenders who were considered missing, but later they were identified in the course of the pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings and molecular genetic examinations.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news