June 20, 2024, 14:19

A few spoons of porridge, one cup of water for eight and tasering: POW’s mother speaks of starvation and torture inflicted by russia on Ukrainian captives

Having communicated with prisoners held in the same cell with her son, Milana Kompaniets, mother of Yurii Hulchuk, a POW from the 36th Marine Brigade, learnt of the conditions of detention and torture that Ukrainian POWs are subjected to in the russian federation.

She spoke about this during a discussion at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“There is extremely little food, about 2-4 spoons of porridge, half a cup of tea, because there’s just one cup for two people, and two thin slices of bread – that’s food. There is no protein food at all, only carbohydrates and a little water. One cup of water for eight people, there is simply nothing to drink,” she said.

Referring to Dr. Alice Jill Edwards, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, who talked to released Ukrainian prisoners of war, 14 out of 16 types of torture outlined in the Istanbul Protocol were applied to Ukrainian prisoners.

Commenting on the provision of medical services to prisoners of war, Milana Kompaniets noted that in case of toothache, the prisoners’ teeth are knocked out or removed, there is no treatment to speak of. And complaints of pain in any part of a captive’s body are treated with only one method – with a taser.

Using the example of her son, who is held in russian captivity, she said that he was tasered until he couldn’t feel his legs. And after repeated beatings and being unconscious for four hours, he lost his ability to speak.

According to Milana Kompaniets, the inhumane conditions of detention and the consequences of starvation can cause heart failure in the future and, as a result, lead to a heart attack.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news