March 18, 2024, 15:49

950 people injured in explosive ordnance blasts since start of full-scale invasion

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 647 incidents involving explosive ordnance have been reported in Ukraine. As a result, 950 people received injuries.

Ruslan Berehulia, Head of the Department of Environmental Safety and Mine Action of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, made this statement during the discussion at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“Since the beginning of the full-scale military invasion, we have recorded 647 incidents involving explosive ordnance among the civilian population. As a result 950 people received injuries, of whom 289 fatalities and 661 people were maimed or wounded. Therefore, our main task is to stop the suffering of the civilian population, and with the joint efforts we will take all measures to rid our territory of the terrible consequences left to us by the russian federation,” he said.

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