Pavlo Bulanovych, director of the department of ecology and natural resources of the Odesa regional military administration
June 29, 2023, 16:21

7000 square kilometers of the Northwest Black Sea are polluted as a result of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant dam explosion

The water salinity and maximum permissible concentration of chemicals have normalized, but the sea condition will continue to deteriorate. This was stated by the director of the department of ecology and natural resources of the Odesa regional military administration, at a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Odesa.

“On June 8, the fresh water of the Dnipro River entered the Gulf of Odesa quite quickly. On June 17, the polluted waters reached the mouth of the Danube, and now 7,000 square kilometers of the Northwest Black Sea are contaminated,” – the expert said.

However, as of today, June 29, the water chemistry and salinity are normal. 

“Today, the salinity level is 12-13 ppm, but this figure is not stable. However, I believe that in a week the situation will normalize, and the salinity levels will be typical for summer,” – Bulanovych said.

He noted that cholera-like vibrios, intestinal infections and helminths were found in the seawater. They are not cholera pathogens, but swimming is still prohibited.

He also added that under the prolonged influence of fresh water along the coast, there is a massive ingress of freshwater and brackish water organisms from the Dnipro basin and the Dnipro-Bug estuary into the sea and onto the shore. As the hydrological regime stabilizes and salinity increases, they will begin to die en masse.

However, Bulanovych noted that the main factor of negative impact on the state of the sea now is algae blooms, because blue-green algae multiply very quickly due to fresh water and high temperatures.  

“We already have algae blooms on 1,500 square kilometres. And these algae are toxic and take oxygen from the water, which can lead to the death of bioresources and the food base. Fish will move to other regions. In the short term, the state of the southwestern part of the Black Sea will deteriorate, and certain consequences of the dam’s blowing up may be felt for years to come,” –  the expert noted.

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