Photo by Media Center Ukraine – Odesa: Anatoliy Anisimov, director of the Odesa regional center for educational quality assessment
June 8, 2023, 13:48

The number of school graduates in Odesa region has decreased by almost five thousand compared to pre-war times

While in the pre-war years, about 22-23 thousand people registered for the independent external evaluation in the region, this year, 16534 people registered to take the national multi-subject test. Anatoliy Anisimov, director of the Odesa regional center for educational quality assessment, said this at a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Odesa.

He also said that 57 temporary examination centers have been opened for the multi-subject test, including 25 in the region and 28 in Odesa. 

“16534 people have registered for the main session of the national multi-subject test. Of these, 13934 are students who are receiving full general secondary education this year and 2600 are graduates of previous years. Before the war, we had about 22-23 thousand graduates, but now about five thousand graduates of Odesa region schools are outside the region. But the total number of graduates has hardly changed, because we have added students who moved from other regions,” – Anisimov said.

He noted that this year two subjects are compulsory, Ukrainian language and math, and one is optional.

“When choosing an additional subject, 7411 applicants preferred the history of Ukraine, 6186 – English language, 2316 – biology, 382 – physics, 190 – chemistry, 32 applicants chose German, 13 – French and four – Spanish,” – Anatoliy Anisimov added. 

 The main period of the national multi-subject test will take place from June 7 to June 20 and will be divided into 10 sessions. Each session will have two shifts. The first shift starts at 10:00 AM, the second – at 03:00 PM. The test takes three hours to complete.

Anisimov also added that on June 7, 802 people took part in the first shift, and 800 in the second. This is 93% of the pre-registered participants.

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