
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
March 7
12:00 PM
ODESAAlyona Yukhymchuk, director of the rehabilitation center “Sofia” for women and their children, victims of various forms of domestic violence, NGO “Vira, Nadiya, Lyubov” (Faith, Hope, Love) (in person);

Tetyana Mitronova, official of Odesa city council (in person)
Topics of focus:

– How did the war affect the violation of women’s rights, and what were the main problems facing the system?

01:00 PMODESALorina Fedorova, expert in sustainable agriculture, NGO “Ekodiya”(Ekoaction) (online)

Topics of focus:

– Impact of war on soils;
– How quickly will Ukraine’s agriculture recover?
02:00 PMODESAOleksii Chornyi, head of the coordination humanitarian headquarters of the Odesa region (in person);

Topics of focus:

– Report for February;
– What did “Volunteer mission 2.0” in Kherson achieve?
– Current needs of humanitarian staff and new projects;
2:00 PMKYIVOleksandr Kharchenko, Director at the Energy Industry Research Center (in person)Topics of focus:
— the current situation with Ukraine’s power system
— the state of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure after a year of the war
3:00 PMKYIVBriefing by Andriy Demchenko, Spokesperson of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is postponed to tomorrow (Tuesday).Topics of focus:
— The current situation at the borders and checkpoints
— Crossing the state border during the martial law legal regime