December 27, 2023, 15:24

277 deaths and 608 injuries from exploding devices reported since the start of the full-scale invasion

Since the beginning of the all-out escalation, 277 people have been killed by explosive devices, including 14 children, and 608 Ukrainian citizens have been injured, including 74 children.

Oleksandr Khorunzhyy, Press Officer of the State Emergency Service made this report, at a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform. 

At the same time, he emphasized the necessity to adhere to the basic safety rules and policies in place: in the de-occupied territories, while the demining process is underway, one should refrain from going into forests, fields, water bodies, or approaching destroyed buildings. As an emergency response, if an explosive object is found, you should go back the same way and immediately call 101.

“Do not approach, do not touch, call 101! This is the general safety rule we are teaching the children now, and it is simply memorized,” he added.

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