June 26, 2024, 13:49

ECHR ruling signals increasing isolation of russia – Mykhailo Savva

The ECHR ruling recognizes the extensive violation of rights and signals the increasing isolation of the russian federation.

Mykhailo Savva, member of the expert council of the Center for Civil Liberties, made this statement during a briefing at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“The ruling introduces a lot of new aspects. First, the ECHR clearly stated that this method of acquiring russian citizenship used in Crimea, where all the residents at the time of the occupation were recognized as citizens of the russian federation, and in order not to take russian citizenship, one had to go a separate path and file an application to renounce citizenship – all that is illegal. Moreover, according to the ECHR, the establishment of russian agencies, such as courts in Crimea, violates the right to a fair trial. In terms of international law, this is indeed a groundbreaking, revolutionary and important decision. But there is also a political aspect to it. Because, for example, a judge from Azerbaijan also voted for this decision. Let me remind you that it was adopted by the Grand Chamber of the ECHR – 17 judges, each from a different country, and the decision was unanimous. Even the judge from Azerbaijan supported it. This indicates the increasing isolation of the russian federation,” he said.

The expert pointed out that the ECHR ruling is fundamental and important, as the European Court of Human Rights recognized a systematic mass violation of rights.

“These are 11 articles of the European Convention on Human Rights, 11 out of 18 that can be violated. We see a recognition of rights violations on a very broad spectrum. In addition to the 11 articles directly from the Convention itself, violations of three more protocols of the Convention were recognized as well: the right to property, the right to education, and the right to freedom of movement. In addition, the ECHR clearly defined the date of the occupation of Crimea as February 27, 2014. This is when the russian federation exercised so-called effective control over the territory of Crimea,” Mykhailo Savva explained.

As reported, on June 25, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg issued the final decision in the lawsuit of Ukraine against the russian federation regarding Crimea.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news